Tag: Advent of Dungeons 2024

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 15 – FLYING COW

    The Advent of Dungeons continues. Ironically, I am procrastinating on preparing for my actual game by working on this. Go figure. My Day 15 Content Today’s prompt is FLYING COW. This reminds me of “Ghost Riders in the Sky“, a western song about devil cows being chased by ghost cowboys. It’s not really the sort…

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 14 – FENCE REPAIR

    We’re two weeks into the Advent of Dungeons, and I’m still happily cranking on content. I was wondering if I would need to plan or think a lot about the prompts, but the world is full of inspiration. My Day 14 Content Today’s prompt is FENCE REPAIR. That naturally fits into an adventure. I want…

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 13 – COCKATRICE SOUP

    I really enjoyed coming up with yesterday’s content. I tend to let the humor come through at the table rather than planning for it, but I also like the idea of setting a sillier tone for the world in general. Since writing that, I thought a good setup would be for an arm to almost…

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 12 – MARBLE

    We’re half-way there in creating bits of game content for the Advent of Dungeons! I’m hoping to stay on track with the rest of this My Day 12 Content Today’s prompt is MARBLE. Let’s try a different sort of adventure setup that hopefully is a good setup for hijinks. Quest: The party needs to deliver…

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 11 – ALE

    I feel a bit rusty since I didn’t actually write yesterday. However, I’m ready to get back into it. I’m also glad I convinced myself to do this because I once again feel like procrastinating. My Day 11 Content Today’s prompt is ALE. It would be too obvious to just design a tavern, so let’s…

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 10 – FORGETFUL

    I have to admit: I didn’t write this post today. I anticipated not having time, so I wrote it a day in advance. Still, here we go! My Day 10 Content Today’s prompt is FORGETFUL. That sounds like the basis for an interesting magic item. Hammer of Forgetfulness Effect: Whenever you hit a target with…

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 9 – MAGIC ARROW

    I have to admit that I really procrastinated on this evening. I’m not late, but I definitely put this off to be the last thing to do. Why? I think the uncertainty of the process and result. I had plenty of chores that I knew how to do, how long it would take, and what…

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 8 – PALANQUIN

    Second post this day. I’m ready to keep rolling with generating game content. Reflecting on the session I ran yesterday evening, I wonder if this is already working to help me through my GM writer’s block. It’s a careful optimization to put the right amount of effort into prep to make for a good session,…

  • Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 7 – MICROSCOPIC

    Well, I missed another day of the Advent of Dungeons, but it’s for good reason: I played Daggerheart last night! Instead of grouping two posts together today (like I did yesterday), I’m aiming to do a double-post today. I figure it’s a better exercise to do two mini-sessions anyways. My Day 7 Content Yesterday’s prompt…

  • Advent of Dungeons: Day 5 & 6 – ONIONS, FOOTBALL

    If I had been better prepared for the Advent of Dungeons, I would have already written for a few days in advance and had the posts scheduled to go out. Then again, if I was prepared, I wouldn’t have started a day late because I would have known I was doing this before December. Anyways,…