Tag: Advent of Dungeons 2024
Reflections on the Advent of Dungeons 2024
When I started the Advent of Dungeons (late), I wasn’t sure how it would turn out. To be frank, the Advent of Dungeons came about as a wild hair. It wasn’t obviously a great idea, but if I started, I knew Iwould see it through. 23 days later, I have 23 prompts and 23 bits…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 24 – RAIN
Now that I’m on day 24, I’m wondering why I picked RAIN instead of SNOW. One of these options clearly works for the holidays. The other one sounds like something random picked while staring out the window and doing free association to come up with a word. Weird. My Day 24 Content Today’s prompt was…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 23 – PROPHECY
I decided that this advent calendar will end on the 24th because I will take a break on Christmas from writing. That means that this is the penultimate content, and the final prompt will be below! My Day 23 Content Today’s prompt was PROPHECY. Rather than coming up with a specific set of scenes, I…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 22 – WOODEN
Just a few more days of GM content coming for the Advent of Dungeons! My Day 22 Content Today’s prompt was WOODEN. Since I did an adventure yesterday, let’s reduce the scope to just an encounter for today. Setup: the players are searching a warehouse when a variety of wooden creations come to life and…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 21 – DRUMS
Yesterday, I said I would playtest the dice mini-game I came up with for the Advent of Dungeons Day 20. Although we didn’t play Daggerheart because of attendance issues, I did try out the game with the players who made it. It’s alright. After I wrote it, I adjusted the target from 30 to 21,…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 20 – POKER
Should I be preparing the game of Daggerheart I’m running tomorrow night? Definitely. Am I doing my Advent of Dungeons content instead? You bet. My Day 20 Content Speaking of betting, today’s prompt was POKER. I have never come up with a gambling mini-game for content before, but now seems a good a time as…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 19 – SEASHELL
As winter approaches, what sounds nicer than a trip to the beach to gather seashells? Well, I won’t be doing that myself, but perhaps we can imagine such a moment sitting around a table playing a TTRPG. My Day 19 Content Today’s prompt was SEASHELL. Let’s make another adventure for it. Quest: The party is…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 18 – CLOUD
We are a week out from Christmas, so we’re in the home stretch here. On that note, I need to check if advent calendars typically run through Christmas Day to determine if we’re doing 24 or 25 of these. My Wednesday game today was canceled, so I didn’t get to use anything. I hope to…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 17 – CLAWS
I’m running a session tomorrow, and having written everything for the Advent of Dungeons, I want to actually use some of it. I’ll report back if I do. And if it isn’t embarrassing when players see it. My Day 17 Content Today’s prompt is CLAWS. That sounds like a good lead-in for an adventure. Quest:…
Advent of Dungeons 2024: Day 16 – CAPTAIN’S ORDERS
The Advent of Dungeons continues! Each day has a new prompt for creating GM content. I have primarily been doing adventures since that’s where I face the most writer’s block, but I have mixed in a few specific encounters and items and such. My Day 16 Content Today’s prompt is CAPTAIN’S ORDERS. I think I’m…